Transition Announcement

A New Season at Medical Ministry International

Dear Friend,

On behalf of the Board of Directors at Medical Ministry International, I want to share an update on our incoming transition.

After being involved with the Ministry for 30 years, including almost 20 years as full-time staff, we are saying good bye to our dear Leanne. After much prayer she feels God calling her to a new direction. We thank God for her years of dedicated, indeed sacrificial, service to our organization. She has led us through some very challenging times and I can assure you that she is leaving the Ministry in excellent condition. To be sure there are challenges, but we will, with God’s guidance, emerge even stronger than we are now. During her remaining time with us, Leanne will transition her responsibilities to the very capable Executive Team and her time with the Ministry will officially end July 31, 2023.

While we begin the search for a new Executive Director, Chris Ferris, who currently serves as the International Operations Director, will serve as the Interim Executive Director.

We are excited for Leanne and for her willingness to follow God’s leading. The pace of change in our world is rising exponentially and transitions are never easy. However, God has been faithful to His Ministry and He will continue to be so, as long as we continue to look to Him for guidance.

We wish Leanne God’s blessing as she continues to fulfill her calling in His Kingdom. We at MMI, look to God’s leading in this time of transition. We covet your prayers as we begin our process.

Thank you for your ongoing support as we continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus in this troubled world.

In Christ,

Allen Vernon-Smith
Chair, Board of Directors